Friday, April 9, 2021

Chicken Ring with Mushroom Sauce

 Oh for Pete's sake!

The handwriting on this recipe card had me confused as it is written on Hi-Ho's recipe card but is not Mima's handwriting. So I start thinking...

 Who is this mystery person? A friend of Hi-Ho's? A godparent of one of the three of us? A friend of Mima's? 

Oh wait - it says Pete! Who's Pete!? 

Oh for Pete's sake! This whole thing confuses me - just look at the name! Mush and I hate mushrooms! Oh just wait...


5 to 6 cups "cooked fowl" (I kid you NOT!)
4 cups soft bread crumbs (a previous post tells me this means "from the middle of the loaf")
2 cups cooked rice
2 tsp salt
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp pepper
8 well beaten eggs
1/2 cup pimento
1/2 cup butter (or chicken fat)
1.5 quarts milk or chicken stock (what? those two are not similar except for maybe fat?)


1. Dice meat. 
2. Combine ingredients. 
3. "Pack into two big greased molds" and I have no additional comment or clarification. 
4. Bake in slow oven for 325 degrees for 45 to 60 minutes. WHAT is a slow oven?
5. Allow to stand 10 minutes in warm place (easier to remove). 
6. Turn into large platters and fill centers with mushroom sauce (GAG). 
7. oh wait I read on. 
8. Garnish with Parsley
9. Here's the part Pete didn't really explain prior: "Add mushrooms to mushroom soup heated in a double boiler for quick sauce". 

Who the F is Pete and can I PLEASE have a conversation!?

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