Thursday, April 22, 2021

Raisin Cake


 1/2 pound flour sifted
3/5 pound sugar
pinch of salt
1 teaspoon baking pwder
1/4 pound butter
1/4 pound raisins
2 eggs
1 Tablespoon rum or bourbon
1/2 tea cup milk


 1. Soak the raisins in the liquor for one hour. 
2. Sift dry ingredients. 
3. Separate eggs. 
4. Mix yolks with sugar. 
5. Beat the whites. 
6. Drain raisins and mix with flour, reserving the alcohol, add soft butter. 
7. Mix milk with the liquor, mixing lightly, and add the sugar and eggs, mixing well. 
8. Add the egg whites, folding them in. (Cue Moira and David). 
9. Butter a cake pan and bake mixture for 3 hours at 350 degrees.

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