Friday, April 9, 2021

Chicken Mousse with Nut and Celery Salad


This recipe is clearly Mima's handwriting. As of this moment, I don't know what to think of this recipe but after typing it I might have more comments. Chicken mousse, huh?

Um... 4 pounds of chicken  serves 18 people! What kind of yield is that!?


1 cup milk, cream or chicken stock
3 eggs
1/4 tsp salt
celery salt, pepper or paprika
1/4 package gelatin - you might have just lost me
1 cup cooked chicken, chopped fine or powdered (ew!)
1 cup whipped cream
French dressing


1. Scald 1 cup milk, cream or chicken stock
2. Beat yolks of three yolks and add a 1/4 teaspoons salt, celery salt, pepper, or paprika.
3. Cook as custard.
4. Soften a quarter package of gelatin in a quarter cup of cold water and then add it to the custard. 
5. Strain custard over one cup cooked chicken. 
6. Stir over ice water until thick. 
7. Add one cup of whipped cream. 
8. Mold and chill. 
9. When ready to serve, place mold over lettuce, cover with the prepared celery and pecans and then poud French dressing over. 

Um... yuck.

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