Monday, February 16, 2009

Play Dough

My kids are now old enough to help with various kitchen projects and enjoy helping me cook. Today I will made play dough, so here is a fun kitchen recipe for use with the kids.
2 cups flour
2 cups water
4 teaspoons cream of tartar
2 Tablespoons oil
1/3 cup salt
optional ingredients: food coloring, spices, sparkles, or even coffee grinds.


  1. Combine first five ingredients in a saucepan and heat over medium heat.
  2. Stir to avoid sticking.
  3. Add desired optional ingredients.
  4. Continue stirring as it starts to take shape in the pot. This could take some time since some of the liquid needs to evaporate. Just keep stirring.
  5. When the consistency of play dough, remove from pot, shape, and allow to chill thoroughly before using.
  6. Store in airtight container or a plastic bag.

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