Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Taco Ring

This is a GREAT dinner for kids. Its a variation on the taco theme, and can be fun for the kids to help assemble!


~1lb ground beef (or chicken or turkey)
~2 cans crescent rolls
~ 1 package taco seasoning (or make your own)
~grated cheese (A "mexican" mix or whatever you like)
~Picante sauce or taco sauce.

Directions: Pictures at bottom
1. Prepare the ground beef according to the directions on the taco seasoning.
2. Heat the oven to the specified time on the croissant package.
3. While the taco meat is simmering, prepare the "ring". Here's the picture, but the explanation is below.
Open both cans of croissants and separate each piece. Create a "star" pattern with the croissants on a pizza stone or other similar type of pizza pan. I use a small cup in the center as the base and lay the short flat edge of the croissant about 1 inch up the cup.
Image Continue to overlap the pieces all around the cup until you have used all the pieces, making sure there are no open spaces along the base.
4. Flatten the center of the ring to create a base for the filling.
5. Scoop the taco meat onto the base you've created.
6. Layer cheese on top of the meat, then close the ring by pulling the long ends of the croissants up and over the meat and cheese. Make sure the filling is completely sealed inside the croissants.
7. Remove the cup and smooth the croissants along the ridge.
8. Place in oven and cook for according to the directions on the croissant package.

When fully cooked the crust will be a light golden brown. I let it sit for 2-3 minutes before cutting so the breading has time to "set". We use a pizza cutter to cut into the ring. Use the sour cream and picante as a topping if you wish.

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