Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pioneer Woman's Recipe Index

I am in love with Pioneer Woman. OK, since I have never met her, guess I am in love with her unending wit, scrumptious recipes (many of which I use and some I have posted on my own blog), and most recently her Smartypants quizzes. It occurred to me today, after she posted her Lemon Baked Pasta recipe which I am making tomorrow, that I would give her a shout out (as if there is someone who doesn't know of her already) and post her Recipe Index here, so that all can access it at any time. Please go browse the wonders recipes that she beholds, it is well worth the visit. Your taste buds will tingle, your waist will expand, and your heart will thump (maybe a bit closer to it's end!) because of all the butter! And if you get a chance, go give her blog a look see - you'll love it!